Български Italiano

Minó Gallery

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about the gallery

Mino Gallery, the so-called "Concept Store", an idea born of all the experience in Italy and developed to show mastery and professionalism. Handmade shoes created nine months before each season by various factories in Italy. Handmade clothes created by Ekaterina Mateeva. The clothing brand is "Bella e Minó".

Personal selection of collections made by stylist Liviana Conti. Bar with coffee "mokasol 1950". Aperitifs created with liqueurs and soft drinks of "Tassoni". Fresh lunch menu and artisanal ice cream prepared daily. With the wonderful collaboration of "Amore gelati".

About the gallery

Mokasol 1950

Since 1950 we have been roasting top quality coffees from all over the world with the attention and care of the skilled craftsman. To this we have added modern technological processes that allow us to guarantee high quality coffee with constant characteristics over time. Of coffee, increasingly demanding and global. Over time we have changed many things, but what we have preserved and treasured is the art and experience of roasting. New production technologies allow us today to offer constant quality over time combined with production capacities suited to the increasingly demanding and global coffee market.

Cedral Tassoni

Originally founded in 1793 as a spice store, Cedral Tassoni is an Italian company headquartered in Salò on the shores of Lake Garda in Brescia province, where the offices and production plant are still located. In 2018, the company celebrated its 225th anniversary of business activity, a most important and uncommon achievement. Run by the same family for four generations, down through the years the business has grown to become a well-known brand of great appeal, managing to win the long-lasting affection of Italian consumers and unaffected passing fads and trends. Today Tassoni, whose excellence is acknowledged worldwide, is known for being one of the few producers which constantly and attentively controls the entire supply chain, in order to guarantee the quality of the entire product lifecycle.

Amore Gelati

"Life is like a big bowl of gelato: The more colours and flavours you taste, the more you want it". Amore Gelati offers twelve unique tastes of gelato that you can experience every day as well as many other types of gelato that vary every day. 🍨