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Boutique Minó


Gallery Minó


Outlet Minó


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>Minó in Sofia.
It's other name is Ekaterina

The city center of Sofia. Pleasant music, prosecco, hangers with unique outfits, perfectly crafted handmade shoes and easy communication, so rare in our technology dependent times, in which the interpersonal communication is not a thing of value anymore. Here the vibe is one of flair.

The location is MINO, a favorite of every lady who loves style. This place is inextricably bound up with the woman who creates the clothes and style. The extraordinary Ekaterina, who has taken on the task of creating a flair for esthetics in her clients. And she believes that they can program their life accordingly. Because style remains constant, in contrast to the ever-changing fashion trends.

Ekaterina likes to say that everything starts with something small – for example the shoes, which are always special. After that comes the outfit that must match them correctly.

And in that moment your mood and attitude towards life changes - you start dreaming for a vacation, for impressive vision in your everyday life, for glamor at a formal meeting. There comes the desire for tasting certain drinks and food. And somehow your life style changes. It is driven by the law of esthetics, which are so necessary and so lacking in our life.

Ekaterina is a geisha for her clients in that special Japanese sense – she offers esthetic service and spiritual delight. That is why the people who come in her space often say that they do not know what they are looking for. They leave themselves in her hands and trust her taste. There are so few people in Bulgaria to whom you can give your trust in such way. The education of taste happens slowly. With the feeling that you create style. And you improve it. So necessary and so important.

There is such place in Sofia. It is called MINO. Or also known as Ekaterina.




From the outside looking in, the boutique is small – minute even. On the window shop there are only a couple of pairs of shoes. But once you are inside, there are dozens of them – handmade ones, each model boasting a detail that makes it unique. Ekaterina herself is tending to her clients, often on her knees to properly help them. Beauty, service and pleasure.



The gallery for Ekaterina is like a pair of new shoes which can make a person alter their whole appearance. They will provoke one’s curiosity towards the world and will make them start treating life like a book, the pages of which they can’t wait to open. The gallery wouldn’t be so intriguing if it weren’t for the people who gather there and along with fashion and esthetics discuss all the topics in life. It makes everyone feel as if they are cruise ship passengers who would like to sail away together on a faraway voyage. Ekaterina is the captain, the staff is the crew, each with their merits and shortcomings.


Ekaterina Mateeva